Wednesday, September 21, 2005

AIMless Chat Of The Day

Me: The guy at Best Buy yesterday had a nametag that said he was a Photologist. It said so on his name tag. Is that pronounced "photo - logist", or "pho - tologist" ?

TheTiredOne: the latter, I'd assume

Me: but isn't a pho - tologist a fake tologist? and what's a tologist anyway?

TheTiredOne: \Pho*tol"o*gist\, n. One who studies or expounds the laws of light. PHO-tol-o-gist

Me: it's a real word?!! S**T!

TheTiredOne: ROFL. That's a neat title actually... go around saying you expound the laws of light ...

Me: I thought it was one of those dumb made-up words or phrases that stores like to stick on employee's name tags like; 'Hi, I'm Toby, Have A Nice Day,' 'I'm Mario, How Can I Serve You Better?' and 'Hi, I'm David, I Don't Give A F**k'
I'm going to be a gavologist and expound the laws of gravity; or the laws of burying dead bodies. I'm not sure which it is.

TheTiredOne: gra•phol•o•gy Pronunciation Key (gr-fl-j) n. The study of handwriting, especially when employed as a means of analyzing character.

Me: John Roberts will be a Bushologist and expound the laws of stupidity

TheTiredOne: wow, I found the word used

Me: Holy c**p! I’m only 20 days behind having an original thought!


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