Monday, September 26, 2005

A or An?

Everyone know's the 'a' and 'an' thing;
I have an orange.
I drive a car.

But what do you do if the word is actually an abbreviation or letter combination that you 'spell' out, rather than pronounce. Don't follow? Consider a model number: HD-28. Is it:
I own a HD-28
I own an HD-28

As I see it, the 'H' is pronounced (according to the dictionary) āch (thanks to David The Brilliant for figuring out the macron.) So it's an 'a' sound. Shouldn't it therefore be: "I own an HD-28"?

UPDATE: Turn's out there's an answer (guess I was asleep that day in English class): A or An?: Words beginning with h, o and u sometimes begin with a vowel sound, sometimes a consonant sound. Cool huh? I love the Internet (today.)


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