Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The 'Good Luck' Detour

Driving to work I got detoured because there were some power lines down and they had a bunch of power company trucks in the street working on fixing it. Police cars at each end of the block stopped you from proceeding further, but offered no suggestion as to what you were supposed to do.

This is what I call the 'Massachusetts Good Luck Detour'; they block the road, put a sign sending you off in some direction, and with a wave of the hand wish you good luck; because you're on your own. No more signs are provided to mark your way.

Where I grew up, if there was a detour, they'd carefully place a series of signs you could follow. Here, they just wave you off, or they put one sign pointing in a particular direction. And nothing more.

One time I got detoured and it was a five mile detour with three non-obvious turns. The only reason I got through it without difficulty is that there were a bunch of other cars and I just followed them.

Good thing they knew where they were going. Of course, such a strategy doesn't always work; once a friend and I got lost driving around Lowell, and my friend decided to follow the car in front as 'they seem to know where they are going.' The certainly did know where they were going and we nearly followed them into their drive way.

I wonder why Massachusetts police feel no obligation to assist you in overcoming a detour?

Fortunately, this detour was pretty simple: one block over, turn left, two blocks down, turn left, one block across, turn right, and I was on my way. The car in front knew where they were going, and it happened to be the same direction I was.


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