Friday, January 27, 2006

Sony Bluetooth Microphone

I bought a Sony HDR-HC1 (Hi-Def camcorder) a couple of months ago, and Sony turns around and brings out an even cheaper model; the HDR-HC3.

I was going to get a little annoyed because it is supposed to be about $500 cheaper, and supports a Bluetooth remote mircphone.

But I'm happy now, because they have an add-on that will work with the HC1; theSony ECM-HW1 Bluetooth Wireless Mic. The wireless mono microphone has a range of 30 meters and comes with a receiver that can be attached to the handycams shoe adapter. If the Camcorder has the ability to record in 5.1 channel Dolby Digital Surround Sound then the ECM-HW1 can be used as the microphone for the center channel.

How cool is that?

It's going to be available in Japan next month and cost about US$165.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Software Patents

I'm not too sure how I feel about software patents. On the one hand, if someone comes up with a really new, original idea, then they should be able to benefit from it. On the other hand, I couldn't help but be sympathetic with this statement from a British judge:

"The United States takes the view that anything made by man, under the sun, can be patented. And they have granted patents for business methods, mainly computer business methods. But as far as I can see, it would cover a new and improved method of stacking oranges on a barrel"

Subway Frustrations

Subway has this promotion going called 'Fresh Resolutions.' Go to Subway and they give you a scratch card with two parts. Rub away the large circle and (annoyingly) you get this 'resolution' like: "Exercise More" or "Save Money." Well gee, thanks.

Scratch off the other circle and you find a code. You have to go to the Subway website and then register(!) and enter the code. And then (are we frsutrated yet) you wait while this Flash animation 'scratches' off to show you that you didn't win anything. Surprise!

I'm sure it would be different if you won something...

But, this highlights one thing about long, gratuitous Flash animations; they might be marginally fun the first time, but they get boring really quick.