Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama/McCain debate Part X

Don't you hate it when one person says "He said that" and the other says "No he didn't" back and forth. They went on a tear there, McCain banging away about talking to many people think it's that important either way?

Now onto long is this debate again?

McCain hit a Russian/Goergia question out of the park stringing together a lot of different people, places and things together (yeah, I don't know what he said, but it sounded like he knew a lot of stuff!) Obama came across not quite as strongly, but pivoted nicely to talking about the importance of energy security.

We're at the last question!!! Are we safer than before 9/11?

I thought Obama's answer that wrapped by talking about America's standing in the world was powerful, and McCain's response about Reagan and missile defence and the end of the cold war was kind of off. But so far I'd say no clear winner or loser; but what will the media say, because you never know what you think until the media tells you?

And c$%p we're back to being in Iraq. haven't we beaten this dead horse enough yet?

Come on, please wrap it up!!

Obama/McCain debate Part IX

McCain made a strong appeal mentioning that he has the bracelet of a dead marine and the mother asked him not to let the death be in vain.
Obama came back with his own bracelet from a mother that asked that he make sure another mother doesn't go through the same thing. Not sure if it worked (sure it didn't for the righties, probably did for the lefties.)

Now into the threat of Iran. McCain: we can't allow another Holocaust. (What, they are rounding up Jews in Iran???) Let's all get together with the French and Russians and sanction them! Oh, and by the way, they are responsible for a lot of trouble in Iraq.
Obama: Hey, we took out Iran's main enemy Iraq, and they have benefited. Sanctions, but we also need to have deplomacy; not talking to people doesn't punish them.

Arguing about meeting people from Iran.

Obama "Meeting with them without preconditions doesn't mean inviting them over for tea"

Now it's hair splitting time!!! Can you talk to bad people or not?

Obama/McCain debate Part VIII

I'll say this, Obama knows a lot about Afghanistan; or sounds like he does.

Loke most people, my eyes glaze over after 15 minutes on Iraq and stuff. Does anyone not have opinion about this?

Ouch! McCain took shots at Obama for saying he'd attack parts of Pakistan, and Obama came back that coming from someone that's talked about invading North Korea and bombing Iran, he wasn't sure how credible that is.

We're an hour in! Woot!!! How much more?

Obama/McCain debate Part VII

McCain: "I have not been voted Ms Congeniality in the US Senate" - second time he's said that.

Lehrer: what's the lessons of Iraq?

McCain: Can't have a failed strategy. War badly misshandled, but now we are winning.
Obama: Fundamental difference; the first question is should we have even gone there? We are over stretched and distracted.
McCain: Next President is not going to have to decide whether we are going to invade Iraq.

I think they both make strong points that will appeal to their bases. Not sure they are changing anybodies mind.

You say Taliban, I say Tallyban.

Obama/McCain debate Part VI

Half an hour in and the people here are getting much longer?

Lehrer is pissed that they aren't really answering his question about how the economic solution will impact their programs.

McCain: freeze spending on everthing but Department of Defense, and oh, create jobs by building nuclear plants!!

Lehrer: are you willing to acknowledge that this crises is going to effect how you run the country?

Obama: no doubt we'll have to make some tough decisions, and it's important about what our values.
McCain: I don't want to hand the health care system over to the Federal Government.

McCain: One of the reasons we're in this mess is because spending got out of control.
Obama: But John, it was your President that presided over this, and you voted with him 90% of the time.

Obama/McCain debate Part V

Now they are banging at each other about taxes on companies.

McCain: he voted to raise taxes on people
Obama: he voted to give money to oil companies

Lehrer: if we do the recovery, what you going to give up?
Obama: we have to do healtcare, energy and infrastructure. We'll have to put off some things (he doesn't list them though.)
McCain: we have to cut spending because it's gotten out of control. Opose Ethanol spending, do away with cost plus programs for department of defense. "I saved money and put people in prison over some Boeing contract."
Did McCain just say "we have to screw up every government department"???

Obama/McCain debate Part IV

Probably about now is where most people tune out. I know I am.

So far, they both seem okay. I think whoever you support, you're not going to change your mind on that. Maybe someone will trip up. That's what we have to hope for.

Obama/McCain debate Part III

Lehrer is trying to get Obama to ask McCain a question....but he seems disinclined to at the moment.

Lehrer says "say it to him" so Obama repeats it, and McCain says to Lehrer "You worried I didn't hear it?"

They are both talking, but I don't think either of them are saying "we need to do this and that."

McCain just said "we Republicans came to change Washington, and Washington changed us." He doesn't like earmarks. And now he's going after Obama for earmarks. Obama comes back and says he's suspended earmarks, and oh, by the way, earmarks are 18 billion, and McCain wants taxcuts totalling 300 billion. Is there a direct connection?

McCain is really getting excited about earmarks. I'll give him points for that.

Obama/McCain debate Part II

abcNews is telling us that this is the big one! They'll have nine minutes for each question??? OMG...I'll never survive.

Here we go. Jim Lehrer looks Presidentail.

Says it's going to be about forign affairs and security (and hehe economices)

The audience has promised to remain cheers or noise of any kind...we'll see if that survives.

Out they come. Shake hands. McCain looks very white.

Lehrer is beginning with a quote from Eisenhower about the importance of economic where do you stand on the economic recovery package.

Obama: we at a defining moment in our history. Worst moment since the Great Depression. (Holy S&*t!!!)

He's saying we need oversight and chance to get money back and all the usual stuff. I think he looks Presidential....oh, and he just said this is the result of eight years of bad stuff by George Bush supported by McCain. Ouch!!!!

McCain: "got to fix the greatest problem I've seen...and I've been around a long time." This isn't the beginning of the end of the crises, it's the end of the beginning (have I heard that before somewhere.)

So they spoke, and I'm not sure exactly what either of them thinks the solution should be. Lehrer pushed Obama and he starts talking about how we got into this mess.

Then he asks McCain if he's going to vote for "this plan" and he said "I hope so." And is now talking about another Eisenhower story. He's talking about the loss of accountability...

I think they both avoided it.

Blogging the Obama/McCain debate

...because I have to have a reason for watching this thing.

It's 8:47pm and I'mn already here sitting in front of the TV waiting for the debate to start. They are playing The Colbert Show right now.